Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Gotta Start Somewhere

Well, I weighed in at 309.9 today.

And I started Day 1 of the Couch to 5K plan:

5 min. walk (3.5 MPH)

1 min. jog (5.0 MPH)
1.5 min. walk (3.5 MPH)
Repeat eight times

20 min. walk (3.5 MPH)

I'm also trying to get back in the swing of things with Weight Watchers so I'll check back tomorrow with an update on my lift. I have to remind myself  to take it easy so I can go more than once per week! LOL!

- Mikee

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Goals and Plans

With Memorial Day weekend upon us, it's that three-month time of year again where I can finally kick back and take it easy. Here are a few goals and plans I have for the upcoming summer.

1. Blog EVERY DAY: I don't care what the subject, I really want to make a sustained effort to keep a consistent performance on DeVine Innovation (note the name change. I think it's clever). I want to eventually work on longer projects (other than Tweets and blogs) because I enjoy that medium and have not done enough with it.
2. Read EVERY DAY: Much like No. 1, I know I have to read a lot more during my down time to stay sharp.
3. Work out five times a week: I admit it's been a rough start for my summer fitness revolution (see previous blog post), but I can't give up on it.
4. Work on golf swing: I want to go to the driving range a few times and at least feel comfortable with a golf club in my hand.
The great part of the summer is the flexible schedule. I don't have to travel or have any other obligations outside of normal business hours so that freedom is the best part, but I do have some plans sprinkled in to look forward to.

Wu-Tang at the Twilight Concert series in SLC on July 31st!
Vacation back in Wisconsin in early July
Along with a Cub game ...
Beck at the Twilight Concert series in SLC on Aug. 14
Offspring concert on Aug. 26
Well, that's all I got for now. Happy Memorial Day!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Easing Back Into It

Went back to the gym for the first time in a while this morning so I had remind myself that I get it all back at once. 

Bench / 3 x 10 / 135
Shoulder Press / 3 x 10 / 40
Curls / 3 x 10 / 50
Walk for 30 min. at 3.5 MPH